Social Activities
Socializing is Learning
研究 表明社交和情感学习是十大正规棋牌网站在学校和生活中取得成功的关键. 在亚利桑那州立大学预科数字,我们策划活动,以帮助十大正规棋牌网站在课堂内外成长. Activities are not only fun, but designed to build relationship skills, social awareness, self-management, self awareness and responsible decision making.
Socializing in an Online World
我们正在打破在线学校意味着错过面对面学习的社交方面的神话. Our teachers, 家长和十大正规棋牌网站都把社交互动和同伴联系放在首位,许多十大正规棋牌网站发现在我们安全的在线教室里更容易交到朋友和参与进来.
We have dozens of clubs for all ages and interests—书, 艺术, 数学, 戏剧, diversity, student government and more. 看到一个 list of active clubs.
Family Events
Families gather for online events including 电影 night, game night, coffee chat with principals, and local in-person activities and field trips.
Just For Fun
Created and run by students, 这些受欢迎的活动包括从虚拟才艺表演和表演到精神周和十大正规棋牌网站电影节.
Guest speakers, 数学 challenges, reading competitions, 考试周支持和家庭大学构成了一些教育活动.
Special Interests
十大正规棋牌网站和家庭聚集在一起或在网上庆祝多样性, support charities, spark conversation and raise awareness of important issues.
Just a Few of Our Activities (subject to change)
Elementary 俱乐部
Our news station, The Spark! 在俱乐部赞助商的指导下出版每周新闻广播.
Mix it Up Art 俱乐部 (K–2 and 3–5)
No two pieces of 艺术 are the same. 这些聚会通过有趣的项目培养和庆祝独特的方法.
STEAM (K–2 and 3–5)
Skills with Coach
这个体育俱乐部是为任何想要成功参加各种体育活动的十大正规棋牌网站准备的, while learning about healthy choices.
Yoga K–2 and 3–5
In this popular club, 十大正规棋牌网站在伸展和运动中学习健康身心的策略.
Middle School 俱乐部
This group is a safe, inclusive space for all of us. This student-led, advisor-facilitated group will create resources, engage in conversation, and advocate for change!
National Junior Honor Society
全国青少年荣誉协会致力于发展奖学金, Leadership, 服务, Character, and Citizenship.
Broadcasting Club
Digital Photography
这个俱乐部的目标是创建一个志同道合的人想要提高他们的摄影技能的部落, encourage each other in 艺术istic expression, gain feedback on their work, and be inspired to reach their potential.
High School 俱乐部
Student Government
Forks Up Lounge
The social gathering spot for high school students, 在这里,十大正规棋牌网站们可以每天在课堂外见面,分享兴趣和热烈的交谈.
十大正规棋牌网站 Student Blog
你在网站上看到的所有文章都是由这个俱乐部的十大正规棋牌网站撰写和编辑的 student blog page.
H4U is in p艺术nership with Home Base Initiative, 一个由亚利桑那州立大学十大正规棋牌网站领导的以研究为基础的教育组织, encouraging, 支持青少年的社交和情感发展.
Body Project Club
“身体计划”是一个身体自信项目,十大正规棋牌网站们可以帮助别人善待自己和自己的身体, appreciate their bodies more, and support each other.
我们还为对游戏感兴趣的十大正规棋牌网站开设了高中俱乐部, 科学, 书, architecture, Amnesty International, psychology, 戏剧, 写作, peer tutoring, diversity and inclusion, Mu Alpha Theta and National Honor Society.
Family Activities
我们热爱我们的亚利桑那州立大学预科数字家庭,并尽可能让他们参与其中, both for education and for fun. 我们的家人在网上聚在一起看电影、做演讲、玩互动游戏. 他们亲自聚在一起参加披萨派对、俱乐部郊游、社区服务和特殊活动.
Field Trips
Virtual field trips are cool, 但我们也会在有趣的地方亲自召集同学一起社交和学习. 由于新冠肺炎疫情,本学年的活动安排仍悬而未决.
Community Events
我们的十大正规棋牌网站热衷于帮助他们的社区. Students gather often to lend a hand to local non-profits. Past events have included food drives, bake sales, cleanups, 游行, and fund-raising activities involving running, 走, cycling and dog 走.
Conversations & Celebrations
无论是文化节日还是当天的重要事件, we gather together to share and discuss any chance we get. 十大正规棋牌网站会和其他俱乐部举办这些自愿对话和庆祝活动.